Our Reviews
We love our customers and it would appear they love us too! Below is a live stream of reviews taken from our Facebook Page (please tag us) and Google Review Page.
We aim for a 5-star rating on every transaction. If you feel your experience is not worthy of 5-star rating, then we would appreciate it if you could get in touch prior to leaving a review. We pride ourselves on our customer service and endeavour to exceed customer expectations.
How can I leave a review for Toilet Face?
You will receive an email link from Google 14 days after your purchase from Toilet Face giving you the option to leave feedback.
We read every single review and each one is massively appreciated. In order to leave a review, you must have a Facebook account or a Google account. This is simply to ensure authenticity of any review left.
Do we have James May’s approval?
Need some help?
simply give us a call on:
FREE UK Phone Number:
0800 061 4255
Our office hours are 9:00am – 5:30pm GMT, if you make a call outside these hours, then calls may be answered by our lovely print staff.
Our Email Address is Support@toiletface.co.uk